Vintage Flute Photos

This gentleman is playing a nice metal Boehm system flute.

This young man is holding a wooden 8-key flute.

Here is a quartet of musicians enjoying some cold ones. :) The flute player is holding what looks like a wooden 8-key instrument.

This older gentleman seems to be playing a wooden Eb flute(?).

This pic seems to be from the 1920's. She is holding a metal boehm system flute.

This young man is holding a wooden piccolo with an ivory headjoint.

Here's a group of young musicians. The young man in back is holding a nice wooden flute.

This lovely young girl is posing with her wooden Boehm system flute with metal headjoint.

This young lad is holding an 8-key wooden flute with ivory headjoint.

Here we have a gentleman holding an early metal Boehm system flute.

Here are a couple of young boys. The one on the left holding a violin, and the one standing holding an 8-key flute with ivory headjoint.

OK, another one I have no idea what's going on. The 3 musicians are being held at gunpoint. Anyway, we have a wooden 8-dey flute with ivory headjoint, and cornet, and an Albert system clarinet.